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Make amazing products from old discarded products through recycling!

The Dhaka Times Desk recycling In other words, making old or damaged products reusable is not that popular in our country, but the concept of recycling has been very popular in India since a long time, along with western countries. Just think, creating beauty-enhancing creative everyday items with creative thinking and environment in mind, from small and unnecessary things, is surely a very enjoyable and affordable thing. Let's focus on this topic today.


It has been found that many items that are thrown away or destroyed, especially computer equipment, remain functional even after they are destroyed. All of them can be transformed into other products through creative thinking. Coasters can be made from computer motherboards, table lamps from motorcycle headlights, tables from fridge doors. These are not fanciful thoughts but making wasteful things into more interesting and fascinating things in an innovative way which is called recycling method.

Recycling can be done in two ways: downcycling and upcycling. Downcycling is the process of recycling a product to create a similar low-cost and low-quality product. And upcycling is the process of creating attractive and user-friendly new products from any waste or discarded material.


Trays, Photo Frames, Storage Stands, Pen Holders, Chandeliers, Card Holders, Tissue Boxes, Lamps, Mirrors and various small office essentials from India WorkshopQ A company of the name is capable of producing innovations that cost between Rs.50 – 7000.

Swechha An NGO based organization whose aim is to play a role in environmental and social development, is the founder of this organization Bhimlendu Jha. Jha's new office partitions or warehouses use fancy products – lamps that create a very nice light-dark environment made from old materials.


In India, the creation and commercial use of new amazing products using recycling methods through these institutions is playing a very important role in their economy. But hopefully, these methods are used in some cases in our country as well. Everyone should try to make reusable instead of throwing away their perishables. In this case, contact the recycling organizations on your own initiative and make the best use of the old products and waste items at your own home at low cost and with little effort. For example, PET bottles of various drinks, broken bottles/glasses, recycled glass from metal materials, glass and even ballpoint pens are recycled. Old shabby furniture is sold as firewood. Newsprint paper is made by recycling old paper, books.

Show-pieces, CD/DBD covers, covers for various IT related products, tea cups, plates, cups, jugs, baskets, combs, etc. can be made into amazing products by recycling plastic. In this case, the tea cup, plate, cup will have a special attractive design.

Most importantly, using recycling methods to keep the environment green and pollution-free is very effective as well as user-friendly and economical. The most important thing is to change ourselves now, to be aware, to prevent environmental pollution, to build a green habitable environment.

Reference: India Times

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