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Are quail eggs really nutritional dynamite?

You can eat quail eggs regularly to stay healthy and disease free

The Dhaka Times Desk A nutritional dynamite that looks small but packed with nutrients is the quail egg. Just as a dynamite is rich in explosive energy, quail eggs are rich in nutrients.

কোয়েলের ডিম কি সত্যই পুষ্টির ডেনামাইট? 1

Among edible eggs, quail eggs are the best in terms of quality and nutrition. Doctors say to control the consumption of chicken eggs only when you get older. Because eating chicken eggs regularly increases cholesterol levels. Now nobody wants to eat any food which is dangerous for life. However, people of all ages can eat quail eggs without fear. There is no reason for harm in this, but regular consumption of quail eggs fulfills the body's essential nutritional needs and can cure many serious diseases.

Quail eggs work well for heart problems, kidney problems, excess weight, memory protection, reduced blood volume, disease prevention, stomach and lung diseases, high cholesterol.

Now let's know the nutrients that exist in quail eggs-

Although quail eggs are animal food, they contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids to such an extent that by eating these eggs, all types of nutritional deficiencies in the body are met and the body's performance increases.

Whereas chicken eggs contain 4% of cholesterol, quail eggs contain 1.4%. And quail egg yolk contains seven times more protein than chicken.

Quail eggs contain six times more vitamin B-1 than chicken eggs. Phosphorus and iron are also about five times more. Quail eggs also contain substances that cause the body to produce antibodies that neutralize allergic reactions.

Regular consumption of quail eggs improves heart function, improves kidney and liver function and digestion and helps reduce acidity. Besides, the brain is always fresh and the memory is good.

All types of vitamins, minerals and amino acids required by the body are present in quail eggs. Due to which quail eggs are used as medicine in some countries.

Quail eggs help children develop mentally, physically and intellectually. Weak children to old people can consume three/four quail eggs daily.

Quail eggs contain 13.05 grams of protein and 158 calories per hundred grams. Besides, there are enough vitamins and minerals.

It also relieves stomach problems. The Chinese use quail eggs as food for tuberculosis, asthma and diabetes. This egg also has an effective role in eliminating kidney and liver problems.
So add quail eggs in your diet from today and stay healthy.
