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Saudi princess Noura wants to revolutionize clothing!

Conservative country Saudi Arabia has recently undertaken various reform programs

The Dhaka Times Desk The Saudi princess wants to continue the reform program! He wants to revolutionize Saudi women's clothing!

সৌদি রাজকুমারী নৌরা পোশাক বিপ্লব ঘটাতে চান! 1

Conservative country Saudi Arabia has recently undertaken various reform programs. This included the opportunity for women to participate in elections, the granting of driving licenses to women, the first fashion week organized for women, permission for women to go to cinemas and finally the country also allowed women to hang out with men. In this way, Saudi Arabia is giving freedom to women in all areas.

Encouraging experimentation with women's clothing in Saudi Arabia has never been so important before. But this time, after Noura became the president of the Arab Fashion Council, the picture has started to change. Princess Noura passed her master's degree from a university in Japan. From the time of his stay there, he was attracted to the world of fashion.

In Saudi Arabia's conservative society, women's dress codes are regulated only by the country's police and judiciary. Women can usually wear an 'abaya' (gown-like garment covering the feet) there. Their custom is to cover their head and face. However, Princess Noura refused to accept this change as opposition to conservatism. Noura said in an interview that, 'As a Saudi citizen, I must respect my culture and religion.'
