The Dhaka Times Desk Cancer is the most dreaded and deadly disease in the world. Currently, most cancers are caused due to weather and environmental pollution. Cancer cells rapidly destroy healthy cells in the body. Recently the results obtained using nanoparticles are much more effective than chemotherapy.
Cancer patients rarely get better. Most patients die. Currently, the method used to treat this cancer is called chemotherapy. When this chemotherapy is given to a cancer patient, it destroys the cancer cells as well as many healthy cells. As a result, the body's immune system decreases, the body becomes depressed and the body hair falls. Recently, a group of scientists from the Chinese Academy of Science and the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics have found that using inorganic and non-toxic nanoparticles is more effective than chemotherapy. These are tiny particles that travel throughout the body with the human bloodstream, protecting healthy cells and destroying cancerous cells. As a result, the immune system is maintained in the body. The head of the research team, Shi Jianlin, said that they first conducted experiments on mice in the laboratory. In this case, the tumors have shrunk by 85 percent.
The researchers used two nanoparticles named Fe3O4 and SiO2 in this experiment. These two nanoparticles were injected into the vein of mice. Signaled by the chemicals in the affected cells, the particles produce highly toxic chemicals that destroy the cells. As a result, there is no damage to healthy cells.
Shen Qinfen, a hematology specialist at Huashan Hospital in Shanghai, believes that the results obtained recently using this method are very effective. After using chemotherapy, patients with leukemia and lymphoma may experience a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood and disturbances in the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys or nervous system. As a result, more than half of leukemia patients who receive chemotherapy die later due to various complications.
It is believed that after using nanotech technology no such problem will arise. The biggest advantage of nanoparticles is that they are so small that they can easily enter the cell cytoplasm and nucleus. Which makes the cure of the disease more effective.
The researchers said that it will be used in the treatment of cancer after several trials.
This post was last modified on মে ৯, ২০১৮ 2:50 pm
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