Categories: health talk

Vitamin D deficiency increases high blood pressure

The Dhaka Times Desk Deficiency of vitamin D in the body increases blood pressure. Researchers have confirmed that there is a close link between vitamin D intake and changes in blood pressure.

British researchers confirmed this by analyzing data from 35 research surveys conducted on 155,000 people in Europe and North America. According to researchers, the presence of high levels of vitamin D in the blood reduces blood pressure. The issue was presented at the European Society of Human Genetics conference.

The researchers said that vitamin D, famous for its sunshine, is essential for increasing the body's immune system, building strong bones and teeth, and absorbing calcium. 90% of the vitamin D required by the body is produced in the body's skin by exposure to the sun.

The head of the research team is the Institute of Child Health, London University College, Britain. Bimal Karani said, studies have shown that high doses of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) lower blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure. Vitamin D levels below 25-OHD increase the risk of high blood pressure. And it increases the risk of various diseases including heart disease.

Source: Gnews/Daily Mail.

This post was last modified on জুন ২০, ২০২২ 12:48 pm

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