The Dhaka Times
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One Day Tour 'Matir Ghar'

Bahari Bharta and Bengali traditional dishes will take you to another world

The Dhaka Times Desk Madi Ghar Restaurant is located in Panjora between Tongi Mir Bazaar and Kanchan Bridge near Dhaka. Here you will find the traditional dishes of Bangladesh in a completely rural environment. Food is served in clay pots on chair tables made of tree bark in the mud room. Bahari Bharta and Bengali traditional dishes will take you to another world. After lunch, you can spend the afternoon in the tree-shaded Zinda Park. If the team size is large, it is convenient to call the restaurant in advance.


একদিনের ডে ট্যুর 'মাটির ঘর' 9

How to go:

From Kuril Bishwar Road :-

BRTC buses to Kanchanbridge and Gauchia will be available from Kuril Bishwa Road every 15/20 minutes. Take BRTC bus to Kanchanbridge (fare Tk. 25 per person). From there take Auto/Laguna to Panjora and get off right in front of Matirghar Restaurant (Fare – Tk. 20/30).

From Tongi:-

From Tongi Station Road take Bus/Laguna to Mire Bazar (Fare – Tk 20/30) From Mire Bazar take Auto/Laguna directly in front of Panjora Mati Ghar Restaurant.

From Mati Ghar Restaurant to Zinda Park :-

You can go to Zinda Park by auto from the front of Mud House Restaurant. The fare will be Rs. 20 per person.

Facebook Link: Clay House Restaurant

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