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A bird with a lovely yellow ring around the eye is called the Little Nothajiria

The Dhaka Times Desk Lovely yellow rings around the eyes. Thick black ring near the neck, a black step on the forehead. At first glance attracts. This beautiful bird is called Chhota Nathjiria.

Photo: Robin Raj

When the ban comes in the river during the monsoon, it creates a threat all around. However, this image is seen in Kalebhadra. The water in the river is low throughout the year. As a result, different kinds of birds can be seen among the pastures. Birds hunt here. Bathe in water. The sun is shining again. The Little Ringed Plover is a migratory bird like other plovers. Generally, plover birds come to our country from Siberia. Some birds are locally nomadic in Southeast Asian countries. They live in groups. Played by jumping in water, much like kabaddi. This game takes care of finding food. Small snails, oysters, crabs and small crustaceans are their favorite food. However, while roaming in the grasslands, they dig the soil and collect insects and small worms.

The scientific name of Little Ringed Plover is Charadrius dubius. They make their home in the meadows along the rivers and seas or near the freshwater swamps. Builds nests above ground on grass-covered rocks or hard soil. Sometimes they make nests in the bushes of small trees. The female bird lays the eggs in the house, but the male bird lays them alternately with the female.

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This post was last modified on মে ১৪, ২০১৮ 3:04 pm

Shahriar Siam

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