The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Who is behind the 'armed' Rohingya Muslim group?

The Dhaka Times Desk Once again, a heated situation has arisen over the Rohingya issue in Myanmar. Again there was an attack on Muslims. Repeated allegations have been made against armed Rohingya Muslim groups. But who is working behind the armed Rohingya Muslims? It appeared in everyone's mind in the form of a question. Read more…

Sleeping job: Salary 11 lakh!

The Dhaka Times Desk Will be hired to sleep. He will be paid 11 million taka! Bengalis who are known as a lazy nation may jump on hearing such words. Rising is also natural, but the fact is true. Those who are 20 to 45 years old can apply! Read more…
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