The Dhaka Times
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Beware of fraud selling fake memory cards!

32 GB memory card only 300 taka. Again 16 GB memory card is being sold for only 200 taka

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, large memory cards are easily available. These memory cards are sold at low prices. We happily buy them at a discount. But never think that all these memory cards can be fake.

ভুয়া মেমোরি কার্ড বিক্রির প্রতারণা থেকে সাবধান! 1

Many times it is seen that 32 GB memory card is only 300 taka. Again 16 GB memory card is being sold for only 200 taka. The hawkers are selling mobile phone memory cards at such low prices in Gulistan, the capital of Dhaka! But if you buy it in the market, it will cost 600-800 taka. Because of getting memory card at such a low price there, many people are buying it, getting cheated.

It is known that customers are being cheated by buying these memory cards of only 2 or 4 GB. These memory cards have a 90 percent chance of containing viruses. These low quality memory cards get destroyed in a very short time.
It has been reported that these frauds have been detected in an investigation by the Bangladesh Mobile Phone Consumers Association.

They have seen that there are about 1,000 hawkers selling these memory cards in the whole Dhaka city including Gulistan. In the Gulistan area, hawkers have been attracting customers by setting up tables every five yards with sound boxes playing catchy records.

Hawkers are buying and selling these memory cards for just 70 or 80 taka from Sundarban Market and Patal Market in Gulistan. After the purchase, the hawkers do not even take back the memory cards after being cheated, on the contrary, it is sometimes seen that the customers are assaulted by organized hawker gangs.

Due to apathy of concerned authorities and unawareness of customers, frauds are going on day after day. Mohiuddin Ahmed, president of Bangladesh Mobile Phone Consumers Association, also called for taking appropriate measures to stop it and increasing awareness among customers.

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