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Why do doctors listen to music in the operating room?

More than 90 percent of surgeons are used to listening to music in the operating room!

The Dhaka Times Desk Most doctors listen to music in the operating room and most of them listen to rock music. But why listen to this song in the operating room? Have you ever thought about it?

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According to a report by US Newsportal Business Insider on the issue of doctors listening to music, a joint study by Spotify and Figure 1 Research Institute shows that more than 90 percent of surgeons are used to listening to music in the operating room. Among them, 49 percent of doctors' favorite music is rock genre. Metallica, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC and Scorpions bands are mostly heard.

Popular genres of music used by physicians in the operating room were pop music by 44 percent, classical music by 43 percent, jazz by 24 percent, and R&B by 21 percent.

It is not uncommon for doctors to listen to music while in the operating room. Many doctors in the survey said that this song helps them to relax during the operation. 89 percent of physicians surveyed said they listen to an entire album on a playlist. 39 percent of physicians reported having more than 5 playlists on their device.

"The patient's life is in my hands and so listening to rock music puts me in a place of comfort, so my full attention is on the patient," Alan I. Benvenesti, a vascular and transplant surgeon at Mount Sinai Health System Hospital, told Spotify. He also said, 'I have been a fan of band music since my youth. This lingering feeling keeps me calm, brings me to a focused place.'

Another doctor who took part in the survey told Spotify, 'Doctors don't always choose what music they listen to, often choosing the patient's favorite music to put them at ease first. If a patient has a specific preference, we choose that. Otherwise choose any old music of your choice.' However, during any complex surgery, the music is kept off, doctors said.

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