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Uproar with poisonous eggs in Europe!

The presence of harmful chemical fipronil in eggs has been known since last June

The Dhaka Times Desk An uproar has erupted across Europe over a poisonous egg. One such incident happened in Belgium. An investigation into eggs sent from a farm in the Netherlands was launched after it was suspected that they might contain poison. The matter has gone too far.

ইউরোপে বিষাক্ত ডিম নিয়ে তোলপাড়! 1

Belgian officials admitted last June that eggs sent from farms in the Netherlands might contain poison, which could be pesticides, according to media reports. But the matter is kept secret. Keeping in mind the fear of fraud, the authorities started the investigation.

Catherine Stragier, the spokesperson of the Belgian Food Safety Agency, said in the press that the presence of the harmful chemical fipronil in the eggs was known from last June. A quick investigation was launched without revealing the matter at the time.

The matter was reported to the counsel to confirm whether this matter is a possible fraud. Fipronil, a toxic chemical, has the potential to damage the kidneys, liver and thyroid gland if it enters the human body. Fipronil is an insecticide used to kill skin lice and other pests in poultry.

Billions of eggs contaminated with fipronil have been removed from supermarkets in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. More than a million eggs were destroyed in Germany. The German Minister of Agriculture is scheduled to discuss the matter with the Minister of Agriculture of Belgium.

According to a BBC news, the Netherlands is the largest exporter of eggs in Europe. The Netherlands produces about 1,000 million eggs every year. 65 percent of them are exported to various countries of the world including Europe. Already 180 chicken farms in the country have been temporarily closed.

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