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The first look of the film 'Tolpar' has been released

Soni Rahman wrote his name in the book of cinema with the dream of changing Bengali films

The Dhaka Times Desk The first look of the film 'Tolpar' has been released. Soni Rahman is appearing as hero in this new film. Sony appeared in a different look with weapons in the poster of the film.

প্রকাশ পেলো ‘তোলপাড়’ চলচ্চিত্রের ফার্ষ্ট লুক 1

Soni Rahman is appearing as hero in this film. He appeared in a different look with a weapon in the poster of the film. Actress Moumita Mau is behind him. Sony is seen standing at the action junction in the picture. As if jumping to face the enemy now or he is on the battlefield.

Soni Rahman wrote his name in the book of cinema with the dream of changing Bengali films. His statement is that we started working on this film with new dreams in the new year. Currently, the work of the film is almost at the final stage. Editing is currently underway. I came into this world with the dream of changing cinema. So I am fighting for the film. The first look of the film has been released for everyone. Hope the audience will not be disappointed after watching this film.

প্রকাশ পেলো ‘তোলপাড়’ চলচ্চিত্রের ফার্ষ্ট লুক 2

The film 'Tolpar' is directed by Mizanur Rahman Mizan. Produced by Sweet Dream Multimedia. 'Tolpar' was shot in different locations of the country including Bandarban. The songs are written by Kabir Bakul and A Mizan. Ahmed Humayun is the music director.

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