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Ram Rahim's Dera has a luxury resort!

India's rapist cleric Ram Rahim has a huge dera. Inside which there are 15 luxury resorts

The Dhaka Times Desk After the jailing of India's controversial religious guru Ram Rahim, various interesting news are coming out. Now the news about Ram Rahim's luxury resort in Dera has come out!

রাম রহিমের ডেরায় রয়েছে বিলাসবহুল রিসোর্ট! 1

India's rapist cleric Ram Rahim has a huge dera. Inside which there are 15 luxury resorts. They are located inside his personal Disneyland. Ram Rahim, a rapist, built a resort modeled after famous buildings including the Eiffel Tower, cruise ships and the Taj Mahal inside Disneyland.

Rapist Ram Rahim has been sentenced to 20 years for rape. Various stories of the luxurious life of India's controversial religious leader Ram Rahim Singh, known as a violent cleric, are emerging in the media.

This cleric is said to have lived like the kings of yesteryear in his dera of Sirsa in Haryana.

There are also allegations that he used to regularly sexually abuse women (Sadhvi) in these resorts. There is also a swimming pool with all amenities. Each resort has two to three rooms.

Ram Rahim's foster daughter Honeypreet Insan had access to that Disneyland inside the Dera. No one else had access there except a few trusted associates. It is said that he used to rape the saints in this luxuriously decorated Disneyland.

Every night, Ram Rahim would call Pradhan Sadhvi and ask her to send a young girl to her room in the private Disneyland. It was there that he sexually assaulted the sadhvi, known in the Dera as 'Babar Mafi'.

It should be noted that Ram Rahim was found guilty of raping two female fans on August 25. He was then taken to Sanoria Jail, 10 km from Rohtak city. Later, the court sentenced him to 10 years in two cases and a total of 20 years in prison.

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