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For 400 years, no child was born in the village!

'Sank Shyam Ji Gram' in Rajgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India is that strange village

The Dhaka Times Desk A village in which no child was born for 400 years! The question may be asked, why does this village not have children?

৪শত বছর ধরে যে গ্রামে কোনো শিশুর জন্মই হয়নি! 1

Of course there are children. But all those children were born outside the village. Outside the village is the hospital, where most of the maternity mothers give birth to their babies. This practice has been going on for almost 400 years, since the hospital had no facilities.

'Sank Shyam Ji Gram' in Rajgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India is that strange village. This village is located just 30 km from Bhopal city.

But why is such a practice prevalent? It is said that if a woman gives birth within the village limits, both the mother and the child may be harmed. The child is either born deformed or stillborn. The residents of that village claimed that death or dismemberment was certain in the case of the mother.

The villagers said that there is a curse of God on the women of the village. So it happens. So even though there is no written law, no child has been born in Sank Shyam Ji village in the last 400 years. If it is not possible to take the pregnant woman to the hospital in a sudden emergency, she is taken outside the village limits for delivery, rain or shine!

Panchayat head of the village Narendra Gurjar said, '90 percent of children in this village are born in the hospital. In case of special needs, the maternity is taken outside the village. The villagers even built a house outside the village just for this purpose!'

Actually, when, how did this curse come down on the village? Village elders say there is a legend behind it. They said the curse started in the 16th century. At the same time, the temple was being built in the village of Sank Shyam Ji. Construction crews were working at the time. At that time a beautiful woman of the village began to grind wheat. This disrupts the morale of the construction workers. The construction workers left the construction work and got busy watching this beauty's wheat. This is why God is very angry. He cursed the women of the village.

The curse was that no woman in this village would be able to give birth to a child. Since then this tradition has been going on in 'Sank Shyam Ji Grame'.

God has not only cursed the village but also blessed it. So what is the blessing?

Alcoholism is a major problem in the rural economy in India. Due to which there is turmoil, beatings and even murder and injuries in the family.

An elder of the village said that no person in Sank Shyam ji village drinks alcohol. Does not eat meat. This is the only blessing of God.

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