The Dhaka Times Desk It's really amazing. A Prime Minister was entertained by serving food in shoes! Israel has done such a thing to the Japanese Prime Minister!
Various exciting news are being published in the media about this matter. Many have called it extraordinary hospitality. Many people are looking at serving food in shoes in a different way. Israel hosted a banquet last week for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was visiting Israel. The event was held at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence. Israeli celebrity chef Segev Moshe served the dish. At the end of the meal, chocolates were served in shiny leather shoes, much to everyone's surprise!
A Japanese diplomat commented on the issue of serving chocolate in shoes at banquets, saying that it was different if it was just for fun. But we don't think it's funny. We are very angry about this incident.'
It is known that Israeli officials were also shocked by the incident. An Israeli official also called it an insensitive decision. In Japanese culture, shoes are held in a very low place, he said. Not only at home, you won't find shoes in their office either. This is very disrespectful.
Following the incident, Chef Segev also proudly posted a picture of the shoe full of sweets on Instagram. However, many consider this to be disrespectful.
This post was last modified on মে ১৪, ২০১৮ 10:59 am
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