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13700 to 82400 dollars fine if the youth does not join the army!

The country's government has made it mandatory for every young man in Qatar to join the army

The Dhaka Times Desk The government of Qatar has made it compulsory for all young people between the ages of 18 and 35 to join the army as citizens of Qatar. Young men who refuse to join the army face prison terms or fines ranging from $13,700 to $82,400.

যুবকরা সেনা বাহিনীতে যোগ না দিলে ১৩৭০০ থেকে ৮২৪০০ ডলার জরিমানা! 1

The Qatari government sought to implement the order in 2013 due to the small size of the Qatari army. But currently it is going to be implemented quickly due to political and security threats from neighboring countries. Qatar's Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani issued the new order in April 2018 with changes to the defense policy. And it said, young men must apply to join the army within 60 days of turning 18.

Those who do not apply within this period will be punished with imprisonment or fine. But he should be in the army for at least 1 year. Then he can leave the job if he wants. The main reason for this is that the Qatari government wants to train all of its youth in the army. At any time they can play a major role in protecting the country. In addition, Qatari women will be able to join the country's army as soldiers for the first time.

Under the country's new army law, Qatari women over the age of 18 can join the army as volunteers. Although the Qatari army previously had women in administrative positions, this is the first time Qatar is appointing women to military positions. However, the role of the new women volunteers in the army was not initially known.

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