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5 thousand years old boat under the pyramid!

The pyramids of Egypt are considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone knows about the mission pyramid. The oldest pyramids are in Egypt. Now under the pyramid found a boat 5 thousand years ago!

পিরামিডের নিচে ৫ হাজার বছর পূর্বেকার নৌকা! 1

Egypt has the reputation of an ancient civilization around the world. Various samples of history are still collected from the various monuments there.

Another recognition of Egypt to the whole world is because of the pyramids. The pyramids of Egypt are considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world.

In ancient Egypt, kings were buried inside these pyramids after their death. The body was mummified and kept inside the pyramids, which shows how advanced this civilization was.

Recently, a more interesting and stimulating study has begun in the Giza desert, famous for being the site of the pyramids. And that is, a 5,000-year-old boat hidden under the Khufu pyramid came out.

Scientists from Japan's Waseda University have set up a lab there to conduct research. It sometimes takes weeks to get every piece of it out!

This is the second boat pulled out from under the pyramids, the tombs of the kings of Egypt. Another boat was previously found in 1954 and is housed in the Giza Museum.

Ancient Egyptians believed that after death there would be rebirth, and then they would go to heaven or hell. But the Farah Rajas may need a boat for that journey. Because during the preparation of the tombs of the kings, large boats were placed under the pyramids, so that they could travel to the 'afterlife'!

The researchers continued their research. Bring out each part or piece of the boat separately and undamaged. After these pieces are brought out from under the ground, they will be reassembled.

Professor Hiromasa Kurochi, the head of the research team, said that the condition of the recovered boat is very fragile, which is why it has to be taken out very carefully. The entire task may take a long time to complete.

Another researcher, Issa Zidan, said that as soon as each piece is taken out, it is being taken to the lab. These pieces are very fragile, because they have been buried under the ground for thousands of years.

The lab is specially built here. There is a special temperature and humidity retention system. After weighing each piece it is carefully stored.

Researchers are also trying to make the ancient boat by putting these pieces together. Again they are trying to find some lost stories of history. But it will take some time to collect these data. Researchers are busy with research day and night.

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