Categories: Picturesque

The death of a daughter while taking a selfie on the moving stairs! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the discussion about selfies. Selfie craze is increasing day by day. A daughter died while taking a selfie with her husband on the moving stairs!

A couple visits a clinic with their child for a routine checkup. After seeing the doctor, they went to a shopping mall. After shopping there, the woman was taking a selfie with her husband on the escalator. Taking that selfie seems to be his day. Their 10-month-old daughter died while taking a selfie on the moving stairs. The incident took place in an elite shopping mall in Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India. The woman was taking a selfie with her husband on the escalator of the shopping mall when the child suddenly fell from her lap.

In the CCTV video footage, a man took a selfie with his wife and child first. Then they climbed the escalator.

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Witnesses said the woman was asked by her husband to take a selfie on the stairs. This time the woman lost her balance while taking a selfie. Due to this, the baby in their lap fell down.

In the footage, the child first collided with the railing and then fell through the gap. The child died after falling to the ground.

Immediately after the incident, the shopkeepers rushed to rescue the child. Later, when he was taken to the hospital, the doctor declared the child dead. The local police have started an investigation into the incident.

Note that a similar incident happened in Mumbai just a few days ago. But it's not because of selfies. At that time, a woman wearing high heels lost her balance on the second floor and her baby fell from her lap and died. References:

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This post was last modified on মে ১৪, ২০১৮ 3:46 pm

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