Categories: recipe

Recipe: Tamarind pickle with spicy green chillies

The Dhaka Times Desk Pickle is a favorite food of all young and old. Salty, sour, sweet, how many kinds of pickles do we eat. However, today's recipe is for those who love to eat Jhal and are not satisfied with rice without green chillies. Chilli Tamarind Pickle. The pickle can be served with rice, polao or khichuri. Let's take a look at the recipe.


1- Chilli- 100 grams
2- Mustard paste- one tablespoon
3- Tamarind paste- 100 grams
4- Coriander powder- one tablespoon
5- Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
6- Ginger paste- one teaspoon
7- Garlic paste - two teaspoons
8- Turmeric powder- half teaspoon
9- Chili powder- two teaspoons
10- Sugar – according to taste
11- Vinegar – half a cup
12- Garlic cloves- 15 to 20 cloves
13- Pure mustard oil- two cups
14- Salt in quantity.

How to make:

First, wash the chilies and drain the water. Cut it into pieces and put salt and turmeric and keep it for three to four hours. Panchphoran should be crushed well. Now add ginger, garlic and turmeric, chilli, coriander powder with oil. Grind the spices with little water. When grated, mix it with sugar and green chillies. Now burn it lightly with vinegar and tamarind paste. After some time add panchphodon powder. When all the masalas are coated and the oil starts to float, it should be removed. Mustard oil should remain on top of pickles otherwise fungus may occur. Sometimes it is better if you can give it in the sun.

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This post was last modified on June 12, 2023 1:48 pm

Shahriar Siam

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