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Samsung has received permission to test self-driving cars!

In 2015, Samsung said in an announcement that it was also forming a new team for self-driving car technology

The Dhaka Times Desk Samsung has received permission to test self-driving cars in South Korea. The country's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has granted the permission, Korean news agency Korea Herald confirmed.

স্বচালিত গাড়ি পরীক্ষার অনুমতি পেয়েছে স্যামসাং! 1

In this regard, a Samsung spokesperson told the Korea Herald that Hyundai vehicles were reportedly equipped with the latest cameras and sensors commercially for testing.

Earlier in 2015, Samsung said in an announcement that it is also forming a new team for autonomous vehicle technology. It was also reported at that time that they are only focusing on making different parts of the car instead of making the whole car.

It should be noted that in recent times the big companies of Silicon Valley have already written their names in self-driving car technology. More recently, tech giant Apple has also received permission to test self-driving car technology. However, it remains to be seen when the self-driving cars of companies like Samsung and Apple will actually be on the road.

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