The Dhaka Times
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Huawei is bringing a new smartphone

The Dhaka Times Desk Huawei is bringing the new version of the GR5 smartphone to the domestic market. Basically the camera is the special feature of this smartphone. Huawei claims that this is the new flagship phone.


The battery of this new phone is 3 thousand 340 mAh. It also contains:

5 and a half inch display
Octacore processor
Fingerprint sensor
There are two camera lenses on the back
One is 12 and the other is 2 megapixels
The phone has an 8-megapixel front camera for selfies.

Photographers will get the benefit of pro photo mode and good quality low light photography in the smartphone.

However, the Huawei authorities have not announced the price of this smartphone in the Bangladeshi market.

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