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500 members of the same family in one picture!

A member of the Ren family from a village called Shishe in Zhejiang province in eastern China

The Dhaka Times Desk More than 500 members of a Chinese family gathered for a family photo.

এক ছবিতে একই পরিবারের ৫শ' সদস্য! 1

Members of the Ren family from the village of Shishe in eastern China's Zhejiang province gathered for a family reunion last week to mark the Chinese New Year and were all captured in the same frame. More than 500 members of this family!

This large 'Ren' family has been living in Shishe village of Zhejiang province in eastern China for several generations.

They hosted a family reunion last week to mark Chinese New Year. More than 500 members of the family gathered there. Their initiative is to bind everyone in the family in the same frame.

The photo of this huge family was taken by a photographer named Zhang Lianzhong. He had to take the picture using a drone.

Zhang Lianzhong said that the ancestors of the Ren family can be traced back to 851 years ago. However, the family tree or genealogy of the family is not being preserved for 8 decades. Recently, the elderly members of the family became aware of this matter. That's why they took the initiative to take pictures.

It is said that attempts are made to bring together at least two thousand of the current members of the family in order to update the genealogy.

More than 500 members from Beijing, Shanghai, Xinjiang and Taiwan eventually rushed to answer the call of family elders. Even if not all come, with them, the task of updating is completed successfully.

"One of the main reasons for getting together is to finally tell our ancestors what our descendants are doing, where they are living," village chief and Ren family member Ren Tuanzai told China's state-run Xinhua news agency.

Another reason to unite is to "inform posterity of their ancestral roots, so that wherever they go, they will remember where they really came from."
