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A woman threatened to commit suicide if Salman's murder is not prosecuted! [video]

After the release of Ruby's video message, Salman Shah's fans across the country are clamoring for justice for the killers

The Dhaka Times Desk Hero Salman Shah's death case has not been opened yet. The new discussion started after the video message of the American expatriate Ruby. Ruby says Salman didn't commit suicide, he was murdered. A video has been posted on YouTube following the incident. There, an unidentified woman has threatened to commit suicide if Salman's murder is not prosecuted.

সালমান হত্যার বিচার না হলে আত্মহত্যার হুমকি দিলেন এক নারী! [ভিডিও] 1

After the release of Ruby's video message, Salman Shah's fans across the country are clamoring for justice for the killers. A woman's video message added to the demand for justice. Although nothing is known about his name. The video of four minutes and 3 seconds has gone viral on social media since Saturday morning.

The woman demanded the trial of Salman Shah's killers in a video message and said, 'After Salman Shah's death (1996), more than 40 children committed suicide across the country. Now the issue of Salman Shah's death has become clear. A woman named Ruby knows who or who killed Salman Shah. He said in that video message, "If Salman Shah's murder is not prosecuted, I will commit suicide, the Prime Minister will take responsibility for it." Ruby's video proves that Salman Shah was murdered. If there is no trial, I will commit suicide to prove that Salman's fans are still in this world.'

In the video, he said, 'Not only me, the people of the whole world want justice for the murder of Salman Shah. Can't say much. I am feeling very nervous, Honorable Prime Minister you judge it. You have lost your brother and father. You make this difficult. How does Salman Shah's father-in-law say bad things about Salman? Please judge it.'

'Why is Salman's killer still walking around in public? What was the crime of our Salman? Hon'ble Prime Minister judge, otherwise I will commit suicide at any moment' - this woman said in the video.

Salman Shah died on September 6, 1996. At that time it was called suicide, later on various evidences suggest that Salman Shah did not commit suicide, he was murdered. Last week, an American expatriate woman named Ruby came on Facebook Live and said that Salman Shah did not commit suicide, Salman Shah was murdered. However, after two days, Ruby denied everything again.

It should be noted that even in the last two decades, the mystery of Salman Shah's murder case has not been revealed. Police called it a suicide even after conducting two rounds of post-mortem.

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