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The story of getting back the life of women in the morgue refrigerator!

Recently, a 'dead woman' woke up in the refrigerator of a South African hospital morgue, everyone was shocked

The Dhaka Times Desk When people die there is no reason to live. But some news like this in the world makes everyone happy. One such story is the story of the woman's life in the morgue refrigerator!

মর্গের ফ্রিজে নারীর জীবন ফিরে পাওয়ার গল্প! 1

When people die, there is no chance of survival, that is for sure. However, recently a 'dead woman' woke up in the refrigerator of a South African hospital morgue, everyone was shocked.

According to a BBC report, the woman who survived is currently being treated. However, the woman's name and address are not known so far.

According to the news, the woman was seriously injured in a road accident on June 24. He was then taken to hospital where paramedics declared him brought dead. Later, the woman was kept in a morgue in the Gauteng province of Africa.

It is known that a duty worker of the morgue found the dead body in the refrigerator and found that the woman was breathing. After this incident, he was brought to the hospital for treatment on the instructions of the forensic officers.

In this regard, operations manager of the ambulance company Distress Alert, Gerrit Brandnik, told the media, "We did our job properly." But we have no idea how this happened.

Gerrit Brandnick said, "Our company's employees are deeply saddened by this incident." Our job is to save people. We are in no way in this business to kill the living. We deeply regret this incident.

He further said about this sensational incident, after checking the pulse, heartbeat, we declared the woman dead. The agency, which already provides ambulance services, has also formed an inquiry committee into the incident.

Note that this is not the first such incident in South Africa. 7 years ago, a 50-year-old 'dead' man screamed at the Eastern Cape morgue! At that time there was a lot of excitement about the matter.

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