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Trump kept Queen Elizabeth standing for 10 minutes!

Trump and Melania Trump went to meet Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle on Friday

The Dhaka Times Desk When the heads of state of any country in the world come to visit Britain, they must meet Queen Elizabeth. So does Trump. However, the US president kept the 92-year-old Queen Elizabeth standing in the heat!

ট্রাম্প রাণী এলিজাবেথকে ১০ মিনিট দাঁড় করিয়ে রাখলেন! 1

When the heads of state of any country in the world come to visit Britain, they meet any head of state with the Queen only after following certain royal rules or protocols. But if that head of state is US President Donald Trump, then it is well known that no agreement or protocol will be accepted. Breaking all the rules, being in the controversy, whose only goal is, this time, US President Donald Trump did not allow it to be different.

US President Trump and First Lady Melania came on a three-day visit to Britain. Trump and Melania Trump went to meet Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle on Friday. However, from the beginning of the meeting, Donald Trump started to act against the rules. According to British media sources, US President Donald Trump kept the 92-year-old Queen Elizabeth standing in the heat.

It is known that Queen Elizabeth of Britain stood under an umbrella for a long time to welcome the Trump couple. About 10 minutes late, US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania arrived there in a black Range Rover car. This is not the end, Donald Trump also maintained his controversial character during his introduction to the special forces of Windsor Castle. Instead of walking together, he was often seen keeping at least two steps ahead of Queen Elizabeth and Melania. About which the debate has already been made. The US President has been practically cotton washed by the media of Britain.

He didn't just stop at creating controversy during his meeting with the queen, he then did more horrible things. Donald Trump took a picture sitting in the famous Aramkedara of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. British politicians have already raised questions about it. Britain has been heated since the beginning of this visit of the US President. Protests are going on in many places. Which the administration had to resist. The protests intensified after some unsavory comments made by the US president about Princess Diana and his daughter-in-law Kate came to light.

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