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Some strange facts about the mysterious world

If there were no bees in the world, all the people of the world would die in 4 years.

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us do not know the various unknown facts of biodiversity. Various unknown facts are constantly being discovered. Today we know some unknown facts.

রহস্যময় পৃথিবীর কিছু আজব তথ্য 1

1. The human brain can't focus on 3 things, whether it's the eye's eye or the mind's eye. And those 3 things
Being food, interesting people and danger.

2. We use jibba to flavor any food. But what animal can feel the taste of food with feet? Butterfly no
One can feel the taste of the food only by sitting on it. Because butterflies have 'taste receptors' on their feet.

3. According to Albert Einstein, 'If there were no bees in the world, all the people on earth would be dead within 4 years'.

4. Humans are a bit taller when they go to space. How is that? There is no pressure on the spine as there is no gravity.
As a result, the length of the spine increases slightly.

5. Wikipedia is the world's largest online information repository. Wikipedia contains 5 times more information than people
The brain has the capacity to store information.

6. Stegosaurus was a species of giant dinosaur. About nine meters long, this fossilized dinosaur species had a brain
Similar to peanuts.

7. You can survive for about 4 weeks i.e. 28 days without food, but if you don't sleep for 11 days, your death is inevitable.

8. People who smile a lot are healthier and have better health than other people. Because the disease is chronic
Laughter plays the biggest role in depression and the biggest medicine to stay healthy and disease-free.

9. Rabbits and parrots never need to look back. Because they can see the rear view even with their heads straight.

10. Kangaroos and emu cannot move backwards. Because the peculiar structure of their legs hinders going backwards.

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