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Apps that will help you find a house and change your house in Dhaka

The app will provide you with all the services of house finding and house shifting

The Dhaka Times Desk It is very difficult to find housing in the busy city of Dhaka. City dwellers have to go through a lot of trouble to know where to rent a house. Even though the house can be found, it is more difficult to get its accurate information. There is another problem of changing house with him.

ঢাকায় বাসার খোঁজ দিবে এবং বাসা পরিবর্তনে সাহায্য করবে যে অ্যাপস 1

However, to relieve the city dwellers from this problem, an app has been created which will help in finding and changing houses easily. There is a saying, 'Necessity is the father of invention'. Such victims Nazmul Alam, Sayem Hussain and Iqbal Nazir Suman developed this app named 'Maner Bari' with their combined efforts. Features of this apps are-

* If you search by typing the name of the area, the houses available for rent according to that area will be pinned on the map. of the pin
Click on to get detailed information.

* House information in 'Manerbari' app is collected and verified by its own staff. So no fear of being cheated.

* Each apartment has photos and videos taken from all angles. So you are sitting at home the current state of the house
Get an idea about

* Almost all the information that users may need is provided to facilitate decision making. such as rent
Get all the information you need starting from quantity, size, number of rooms.

* A request to visit can be sent through the app if one of the many verified homes is chosen.
'Manerbari' app worker will contact him and show him the house.

* You can also know the information about the facilities like police station, fire service, bank etc. near that house.

* Looking for a truck, pickup truck or van for moving house has to face various problems. You are in this app
You will also get them very easily.

* Renting a house is just as troublesome as renting a house to the owners. Your house may be empty this month.
So worried about renting a house? Inform these apps. Apps staff come and all your home information on their site
Will publish. As a result, your house will be rented very quickly.

To download the app, go to the Google Play Store and type 'Miner Bari' and search for this fun app. And also enjoy all the benefits of the apps.
