The Dhaka Times
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Piya acted in the Eid serial

Pia was elected Miss Bangladesh in 2007

The Dhaka Times Desk Piya acted in the 7-episode Eid series after a gap of about one and a half years. The drama aired on a private satellite channel is called 'Poshakei Vansh Sen'.

ঈদ ধারাবাহিকে অভিনয় করলেন পিয়া 1

Written and directed by Sajin Ahmed Babu, the drama 'Poshakei Vansh Thun' also features Mosharraf Karim and Eresh Zaker. The drama will be aired every day from the day of Eid, i.e. 7 consecutive days.

In this regard, Piya told the media that the fun of working in Eid plays is different. As an added bonus, brothers of Musharraf Karim and Iresh Zak have been added. You can say, this drama is based on a funny story. It can be said that the audience will enjoy watching the play. Pia also said that Musharraf is going to act in another drama with Karim.

It should be noted that Pia was selected as Miss Bangladesh in 2007. Basically, he started wandering in the media. Pia was elected 'Miss Indian Princess International' in 2013 after defeating contestants from 19 countries. He made his film debut in 2012 with Redwan Roni. He has acted in several films including National Award-winning 'Chorabali', 'The Story of Samara', 'Gangster Return'.

ঈদ ধারাবাহিকে অভিনয় করলেন পিয়া 2

Not only that, Pia is also the first Bangladeshi model to appear on the cover of the popular fashion and lifestyle magazine 'Bhog'. Pia has already completed her graduation from London College of Legal Studies (LCLS). Apart from modeling and acting, this popular actress is also busy with her 'law' practice and business.

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