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This boy is suffering from a rare disease with kidneys on his feet!

Doctors named this rare disease 'Hamish Syndrome'.

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes there are diseases that are beyond our understanding. As in the case of this boy. This boy is suffering from a rare disease with kidney in his leg!

পায়ে কিডনি নিয়ে এক বিরল রোগে ভুগছে এই বালক! 1

Sometimes there are diseases that are beyond our understanding. Makes us think. You have to be surprised sometimes. Even in the world there are some irregularities in the rules that surprise us, as in the case of this boy. This boy is suffering from a rare disease with kidney in his leg! This rare case of suffering from leg kidney has created wonder among people in the net world.

This is a disease of the child in which the location of his kidneys! A 10-year-old boy named Hamish Robinson from England is suffering from such a rare disease. Doctors are of the opinion that this disease is caused by a genetic problem.

Doctors said that Hamish may be the only person who does not have a certain chromosome in his body. Doctors have given the name 'Hamish syndrome' to this rare disease caused by a lack of chromosome 7p22.1. In this disease, an important part of the body may be in a different place than the right one.

Such an exception occurred in the case of Hamish. The location of the kidney in his body can be seen just above the right side of the thigh. Hamish's doctors said that such a case has never been seen in the medical field till date.

Anandabazar newspaper sources said that this boy Hamish was born about 6 weeks before a certain time. Hashim's birth weight was only 2 pounds i.e. 900 grams. Moreover, Hamish also has difficulty speaking, his mother said.

Hamish's mother also revealed that the first word Hamish uttered at 17 months was 'mummy'. Hamish's mother had to wait at least another 6 years to hear from him again.

However, physical problems could not stop Hamish. Hamish goes to school regularly. Hamish is also enrolled in karate classes. Hamish's mother said that he himself, Hamish's school teachers are also proud of him.

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