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This is the first button in the market, hole and port smartphone!

Now a different technology smartphone has come to the market

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's smartphone era demands. A mobile computing device in the palm of your hand is a smartphone. It is now so in everyone's hands. This is the first time in the market button, hole and port smartphone!

বাজারে এই প্রথম বাটন, ছিদ্র ও পোর্টহীন স্মার্টফোন! 1

Feature phones are now on the verge of extinction due to the popularity of smartphones. And so the smartphone features are constantly being updated. This is the first button in the market, hole and port smartphone!

Various smartphone manufacturers are appearing with the latest surprises of technology to occupy the market. Meanwhile, smartphone manufacturers are constantly updating the camera, RAM, ROM, memory and battery capacity.

So this time a different technology smartphone came in the market, which phone will not have any kind of button. Even the phone cannot find any holes. Also, it does not have any charging point.

It is a smart phone with advanced technology without buttons, holes and ports. The phone is manufactured by a Chinese smartphone manufacturer called Meizu.

They named it Meizu Zero. In addition to the release of such a phone by the Chinese company, Vivo has brought a similar technology phone to the market. Their phone is called Vivo Apex 2019.

Both the phones have no buttons, holes or any ports. Both these phones do not have SIM slots. There is no place for a speaker. Not only that, the charging point cannot be found anywhere on this smartphone.

Everyone is amazed about such a new technology smartphone. Already there is a lot of fuss about the two iPhones in the tech world.

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