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Traffic fines due to being extra beautiful!

What does it mean to be beautiful?

The Dhaka Times Desk One cannot help but be surprised to hear such words. Traffic police fined a woman for being extra beautiful! What does it mean to be beautiful?

অতিরিক্ত সুন্দরী হওয়ার কারণে ট্রাফিকের জরিমানা! 1

According to a report in the media, a traffic police sergeant dismissed the case without asking anything after arresting a woman driving a car. Then explained the reason for the case and said that the extra beautiful woman has been fined! So this case has been filed! Although it is surprising to hear, such an incident happened in the city of Paysandu in western Uruguay.

It is known that the police officer wrote 'I love you' on the back of the fine paper!

After this incident, recently the penalty paper of the case has gone viral on social media Twitter. Netpara people have shown mixed reactions.

Someone on Twitter also complained about the abuse of power. Someone sang the song of love on behalf of the sergeant.

Meanwhile, Paysandu local administration is thinking of transferring the traffic sergeant after mixed reactions on social media.

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