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Auburn Gallipoli Mosque, Australia

It is a mosque of Ottoman architectural style

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 2 August 2019 Christ, 18 Shravan 1426 Bangabd, 30 Jilqd 1440 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

অস্ট্রেলিয়ার অবার্ন গ্যালিপলি মসজিদ 1

Auburn Gallipoli Mosque in Australia is regarded as one of the most interesting and beautiful structures in Australia. It is built in an exceptional design.

It is a mosque of Ottoman architectural style. This mosque was established by the Turks. A famous nation of Turks built this mosque. They have contributed a lot to world civilization. Many structures built by the Turks still exist in Asia, Europe and Africa.

Turks live in different countries outside of Turkey. They also live in Australia. The Auburn suburb of Sydney is the center of the country's Turkish community. Auburn Gallipoli Mosque is located here. The architecture of this mosque is of classical Ottoman (Turkish) style. But the mosque is not an ancient mosque.

This mosque has an attractive central dome and multiple minarets. The architect of the mosque is Omer Kirazglu. Producer Ahmed Asim who gave the most donation during his time.

The Auburn Gallipoli Mosque reflects the involvement of Australian society and the Australian Turkish Muslim community.
The construction of the mosque was funded by the diaspora and Turkish immigrants there. Most of the worshipers in this mosque are Turkish or of Turkish origin.

The construction of the present building of the mosque was started in 1986. In 1999, the construction of this mosque and the external ancillary works were completed. The mosque was officially inaugurated on November 28 that year (1999). Prior to this, a mosque was opened on 2 November 1979 at the site of the present mosque. This means that the construction of the present mosque-building was completed almost 20 years after the mosque was first opened.


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