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In exchange for money, the wife is sold in the country!

In the early days, slavery was prevalent, but even in this modern era, the sale of wives happens!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone would be surprised to hear about such an incident. Because in the early days, even though slavery was prevalent, even in this modern era, the sale of wives happens! The name of this strange country is Nigeria.

টাকার বিনিময়ে বউ বিক্রি হয় যে দেশে! 1

Anyone would be surprised to hear about such an incident. Because in the early days, even though slavery was prevalent, even in this modern era, the sale of wives happens! The name of this strange country is Nigeria.

Everyone is really surprised to hear such words. In Nigeria, the wife is sold in exchange for money! There is still a market for selling wives easily in this African country, Nigeria. The rich people there can easily buy poor girls with money. The practice is named 'money marriage'.

According to media reports, there are precedents of handing over a 5-year-old girl to an adult man in exchange for money! However, the Nigerian government banned this type of marriage 25 years ago. Even after that, there is still marriage in this custom in the society.

Nigerian community leader Onamatope Sunday Inchele is involved in rescuing girls who are victims of such incidents. He said that this type of marriage was abolished in the 90s of the last century. Now in public no person can say that I will marry your daughter for money.

This human rights activist also said that the families who are in financial trouble mainly give their daughters in this kind of marriage voluntarily in exchange of money. Sometimes this happens when a father is sick or involved in a police case.

Such marriages are in fact a type of slavery as in ancient times. Through this, girls and teenagers in Nigeria are being subjected to extreme sexual abuse. Girls who are victims of such marriages are called 'money wives' or wives bought for money. Although underage marriage is not a practice in Nigerian law, this type of illegal act is now common. Because human rights activists remain somewhat passive, an incident or two occasionally comes to light. But most of these slavery practices remain secret. Taking advantage of poverty, a class of people have been doing such immoral acts.

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