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Social bonds are about to break down due to addiction to social media

There was a time when people came to see each other even after traveling a long distance. Again, to reach an invitation to an event, one had to go through a long way

The Dhaka Times Desk In today's age of technology, social media has become one of our means of communication. Social bonds are about to break down due to addiction to social media.

স্যোশাল মিডিয়ায় আসক্তির কারণে ভেঙ্গে যেতে বসেছে সামাজিক বন্ধন 1

There was a time when people came to see each other even after traveling a long distance. Again, to reach an invitation to an event, one had to go through a long way. From hospitality to stories, chats, murders, everything was a familiar social image.

Although there was no financial connection, the sincere bond was unbreakable. But now the work is done in a moment with a phone call or messenger. That's why the relationship or heart that people had before is not the same as before. People are now giving weddings or various invitations through small messages or through Facebook and Twitter.

Once the whole family used to sit together and chat. Children could also learn a lot from it. But now everyone is immersed in social media all the time. Due to which the family ties are getting loose day by day. Instead of the love for each other, the strong addiction to Facebook or social media is increasing. In this case, the most affected are soft-skinned children. Various statistics show that social media or Facebook has become one of the reasons for breaking marriages.

How can we get out of the horrors of social media? That's the thing to think about now. Prominent sociologist Professor Dr. Nehal Karim said, with the improvement of science and technology, we have to make ourselves in that light. There is no way to exclude technology. But let's see how we use it. We should raise our children that way. It is true that the influence of social media is much greater. We must get ourselves out of this. We need to change our perspective.

He also said, many say we will eliminate them. But nothing can ever be eradicated. can actually be reduced. That's why we need to increase our awareness. It is natural for children to be more inclined to hide something from them. So they should be given knowledge about good and bad, what is right. In order to maintain family ties, we need to enhance our relationship in any way possible. So new technology will come but we have to use it properly. Then there will be no problem.

General Secretary of Bangladesh Public Relations Association Mohammad Moniruzzaman said, we are a little too involved in social media. That means we are addicted. That is why we are destroying our social bonds. Everything is becoming machine dependent. But not by destroying the spiritual relationship. Once upon a time, family ties, mutual sincerity, killing, chatting were one of the cultures of our society. Now family or social relations are becoming social media oriented. I am losing everything while becoming modern. In this country, the reputation of people's sincerity or family ties has been lost. Based on Ekushey Television.

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