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Italy recorded the highest number of deaths in one day due to the corona virus

The Dhaka Times Desk The deadly corona virus has spread panic all over the world. On the other hand, riots have started in European countries. 368 people lost their lives only in Italy on this day!

করোনার তাণ্ডবে ইতালিতে একদিনে সর্বোচ্চ মৃত্যুর রেকর্ড 1

The region recorded the highest single-day death toll yesterday (Sunday). Since the beginning of corona infection, the highest number of deaths occurred in at least 3 European countries yesterday.

368 people lost their lives in Italy alone on this day. With this, the total number of dead in the country stands at 1 thousand 809. In addition, 3 thousand 590 people have been infected with corona. Due to which the total number of corona infected people has reached 24 thousand 747 people.

Spain is the second most affected country in Europe by Corona virus. Yesterday (Sunday) 97 people lost their lives there, which is the highest ever in a single day. The total death toll in the country stands at 288.

On the other hand, 29 more people died and 924 people were infected in one day in France. With this, the total number of dead in the country stood at 120 and infected 5 thousand 423 people.

On this day, the highest number of deaths occurred in the United Kingdom. Yesterday (Sunday) another 14 people died of corona in the country. With this, the total number of dead there stands at 35. Also, new corona virus has been detected in the body of 251 people. The total number of infected people in the country is 1 thousand 391 people.

Meanwhile, the number of new patients in Switzerland increased by at least 800 in the last 24 hours, and one person died. With this, the total number of infected in the country has exceeded 2 thousand 200, the death toll is 14.

Yesterday (Sunday) new patients in Germany increased by 1 thousand 214, 2 died. A total of 5,813 cases of corona virus have been detected in the country so far, the death toll has reached 11.

On the other hand, the number of infected has also increased in Austria. At least 295 new cases of corona virus have been detected in the country on this day. With this, the total number of infected people stands at 860. 1 person lost his life there too.

21 new cases in Poland, total 125; 5 new in Lithuania, total 14; And in Ireland, a total of 170 people have been infected, including 41 new ones.

In the last 24 hours in the Netherlands, 8 people have died due to corona. With this, the total death toll in the country stands at 20. Also 176 new patients have been identified. Due to which the total number of infected people in the country stands at 1 thousand 135 people.

28 new people have been infected with corona virus in Denmark. With this, the total number of infected people in the country stands at 864. 2 people died there.

The total number of corona patients in Luxembourg is 77, including 26 new ones, one person has died.

It should be noted that the novel corona virus has spread to at least 157 countries and regions of the world since Wuhan, China last December. Around the world, 1 lakh 69 thousand 552 people have been affected by this deadly disease, more than 6500 people have lost their lives. At least 77 thousand 753 people have recovered with treatment.

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