The Dhaka Times
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Today is the Great Independence and National Day

26 RMACH is a memorable day in the history of Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk 26 Rmach, Great Independence and National Day today. Independence was declared on this day in 1971. This great day is therefore a memorable day in the history of Bangladesh. Today the nation is celebrating this day with due dignity.

আজ মহান স্বাধীনতা ও জাতীয় দিবস 1

Great Independence and National Day today. Independence was declared on this day in 1971. This great day is therefore a memorable day in the history of Bangladesh. Today the nation is celebrating this day with due dignity.

Today 26 March is the 50th Great Independence and National Day of Bangladesh. 26 Rmach is a memorable day in the history of Bangladesh, it is also the name of a bloody joy. March 26 is a historic day of flying the red green flag of Bangladesh in the heart of the world.

50 years ago on March 25, 1971, at midnight, the Pakistani army attacked the sleeping unarmed Bengalis with modern weapons. To drown the Bengali independence movement and the legitimate rights obtained by the results of the national elections in a flood of blood, the Pakistani invading forces started a massacre across the country.

In the dark night of 1971, the invading forces killed innumerable unarmed patriots and the best children of the country in a brutal massacre at Dhaka University's Jagannath Hall, Iqbal Hall, Rokeya Hall, Teachers' Residence, EPR Headquarters in Pilkhana and Rajarbagh Police Line. On the night of March 25, 1971, police, EPR and army who were Bengali members started resistance, the common people of the country also joined them. As a result of which the final victory was achieved on December 16, 1971 after 9 months of bloody war. As an independent country we are able to fly the flag.

Today the nation is observing the day with due dignity. Almost all national gatherings have been banned this year due to the coronavirus situation. The Independence Medal ceremony has also been canceled this year. However, the Great Independence Day and National Day are being celebrated at home through various programs throughout the day, including prayers in memory of the victims of 71.

Deep respect and sincere congratulations to the brave freedom fighters on behalf of The Dhaka Times.

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