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Controversial pop star Lady Gaga will perform at the 'MTV Video Music Awards 2013'!

The Dhaka Times Desk The world famous pop star Lady Gaga Despite being criticized for her outlandish outfits and activities, her fame is growing day by day. now MTV Video Music Awards This star singer will appear at the 2013 event with a new song.


Lady Gaga has previously received recognition for her music at the MTV Video Music Awards, this time she will be performing at the event for the first time. He will sing a new song at the event, which is yet to be titled, which is expected to be released on August 19 this year.

Lady Gaga's music career began in 2005 at the age of 19. Gaga has released three albums so far and her fourth album will be released in November this year. 'The Fame' His first album, second album 'The Fame Monster' Also received a Grammy Award nomination for, third album 'Born This Way' Topping the music charts, the title of the fourth album 'artpop'| Gaga has received five Grammy Awards and 13 MTV Video Music Awards in recognition of her work over an eight-year career.

Another interesting fact is that Lady Gaga, who was going to perform at the 'MTV Video Music Awards' in 2010, gained criticism and popularity around the world as the strangest dressed pop star of all time by walking the red carpet in a raw meat dress.


Sunday August 25th at 9pm at the Barclays Centre The event will be held. This is the first major music awards ceremony held in Brooklyn, Designer of Brooklyn KAWS The entire program will be specially arranged under its supervision.

For the highest reward Justin Timberlake, Macklemore And Ryan Lews Competing against each other are those nominated for six awards each. Bruno Mars Nominated in 'Best Male Video' and 'Video of the Year' categories. Miley Cyrus Competing for 'Best Female Video' and 'Best Pop Video' awards. MTV will soon announce the names of other stars to perform at the 30th annual MTV Video Music Awards.


Reference: New York Daily News

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