The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood superstar Ranbir Kapoor on the beach in Ibiza, Spain He was also upset because the photos of the secret meeting were published in the media Katrina Kaif. He was angered by the media hype over the issue and expressed his reaction through an open letter to the media.
Recently, after their intimate picture was published in a magazine, the picture was published in all the newspapers and at that time it was known that Katrina Kaif was happy to publish the picture. To know the details of the matter, give the news of Dhaka Times Happy Katrina Kaif even after the bikini picture was published! read on
But his response to the letter revealed different information. In the letter, Katrina wrote, "I am very upset and distressed that my picture has been published in a film magazine. The pictures were taken during the holiday and the person who took the picture is acting cowardly. Photographs taken and used for commercial gain without permission.
Katrina Kaif sees the release of a photo of Katrina in a red and white bikini with Ranveer as an attack on her personal life.
Katrina Kaif added that it is a journalistic norm to surveil celebrities by crossing the lines of privacy and decency and publishing those pictures of her is an example of bad journalistic education.
In the letter, the actress requested the media not to create controversy over the pictures. He also said that his relationship with the media is always very good and the media is always acceptable to him, so there is no reason for such sneak attacks on him.
He termed this unauthorized entry of media into his personal life and this practice of disclosure of personal information as a victim of fraud and hopefully, this misunderstanding between him and the media will end soon.
Reference: mid day