The Dhaka Times
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Eye-catching laser show “Alor Michili” held in Hatirjheel [Photos and Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Eye-catching firework and laser show was organized at Hatirjheel in the capital on Tuesday. The show runs from 6 pm to 8 pm. Thousands of eager citizens thronged Hatirjheel to watch this show.


In summary:

  •  This festival is organized with a power generation capacity of 10000 MW.
  • Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the event.
  • Laser shows and fire works are organized during the festival.
  •  The festival runs from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Bangladesh's current power generation capacity has crossed 10,000 megawatts, to commemorate this success, fire works and laser shows are organized under the supervision of the government.

The entire program is conducted from 4 ghats of Hatirjheel. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated this laser show from the Bangabandhu International Conference Center and immediately the entire Hatirjheel area was filled with a glow of lights. The light procession of firework and laser show begins.

On the occasion of the festival, additional security measures were taken in Hatiljheel area from morning. Thousands of people flock to the beautiful Hatirjheel when the festival begins in the evening.

Illuminate the night with this mesmerizing two-hour laser show and firework.

Let's see some parts of Hatirjheel light procession in the video:

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