The Dhaka Times
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Some memorable pictures of our freedom struggle

Image source: banglagallery

We got this Bangladesh today through 9 months of bloody war with Pakistan in exchange for 3 million lives and 2 lakh raped mothers and sisters. The memory of the liberation war is a source of pride for us as well as a painful cry! We as a nation can forget everything but we can never forget 1971. This report is arranged with some pictures of that great sacrifice of Swajati.

ছবি সূত্রঃ banglagallery

Photo taken on the eve of the installation of Shaheed Minar in 1953, the year after the bloody language struggle of 1952.


Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with Maulana Bhashani at Pravarferi on 21st February 1953

pre war

March against Ayub Khan, the first Pak army dictator (Dhaka 1968)

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18 January 1970: Jamaat-e-Islami meeting at Paltan Maidan spontaneously combusts.


Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's historic 7th March speech at Race Course Maidan, Dhaka

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March 1971: Non-Cooperation Movement


Brutal killing of Jahurul Haque Hall of Dhaka University, 25th March 1971


Pakistani soldiers did not spare the children either. On the night of March 25, these two sleeping children did not wake up; The bullets of the invaders took their lives while they were sleeping.


Brutal brutality of Pakistani army on Bengalis


The picture was taken in a refugee camp in Tripura. This woman broke down in tears talking about her husband who was brutally killed by the Pak Army. Vasur/Devar crying next to him. Fatherless helpless children in front. The refugees in the vicinity also broke down in tears after hearing the description of the torture at the hands of the Pak Army.


Brutality of Pakistani invaders: Genocide of Bangladeshis.


On April 17, Syed Nazrul Islam, Acting President of the Provisional Government of Bangladesh, Mujibnagar.


Members of Mukti Bahini waiting to attack Pakistanis


Liberation War 1971: Dead bodies and corpses floating in the river


Liberation War 1971: Sector No


Mukti Bahini counter attack in Shakari market of Dhaka


Mukti Bahini members waiting for ambush near Dhaka


A freedom fighter martyred in the war


Freedom fighters soaked in the love of people for the liberation of Jessore


November 22, 1971: Debhata Village, Sector 9, Satkhira; Freedom fighters are preparing to attack Satkhira town


A Rajakar captured by the Liberation Army


Finally, on December 16, the Pakistani army surrendered with 94,000 soldiers


After December 16, the mass graves of the intellectuals of this country began to be discovered one by one!

* All images are copyrighted to their respective photographers.

All thanks bangla There are many pictures of the liberation war archived.

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