The Dhaka Times
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Finally the meeting between Syed Ashraf and Mirza Fakhrul. Mirza Fakhrul's denial

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, Mirza Fakhrul denied the news that a meeting was held between Awami League and BNP to resolve the political crisis.

Asraf & Fokhrul

The desired meeting between Awami League General Secretary Syed Ashraf and BNP Acting General Secretary Mirza Fakhrul Islam Amlig has started at night in a house in Banani. In the 45-minute meeting at Banani's house, the two leaders of the two parties sat in private discussions. However, the journalists were not informed about what was discussed.

Later, Mirza Fakhrul sat in a meeting with the chairperson of the party at BNP's Gulshan office at around 11 pm. Journalists are staying there till late night. To know the latest situation.

Later, Mirza Fakhrul denied this meeting, according to the latest news.

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