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Animals like humans become stupid through optical illusions!

The Dhaka Times Desk Optical illusions Or a recent study has shown that not only humans but also animals become stupid in hallucinations.


Cats or dogs are domesticated pets of humans. Research on them has shown that cats and dogs can be fooled like humans through optical illusions or visual illusions.


Magic is usually performed by tricking the human eye through an eye puzzle or illusion, the image above shows an eye puzzle made of two boards where two pieces of paper are pulled over each other to show some ball-like circles going in and out of the glass, on the table. The sitting cat became very confused and stupid.


Brusspup, a famous company that works with optical illusions, said that they take two transparent plastic boards and give them the shape of anything in one, and the other is relatively black and has black and white spots on it. As the black speckled thin plastic is slowly moved over the rice, various expressions emerge. Many are puzzled by this. Brusspup's new experiment proves that animals like humans can be fooled by visual illusions.

Let's see the details in the video below:

Source: The Tech Journal

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