The Dhaka Times
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Monalisa is now looking for a job in America after the divorce!

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular model, actress of Bangladesh the mona lisa After getting married and moving to America, she is now looking for a job there because of her separation from her husband!


Model, actress Mona Lisa last year 12-12-12 American expatriates married on the date Fayaz A Bengali named, but before the year of marriage, their marriage broke up, as a result, Mona Lisa is now alone in America at a relative's house from where she is looking for a job for herself in a company owned by a Bangladeshi.

And before the name of Monalisa, various news were published in Bangladeshi media, such as some media promoting the news that Monalisa has disappeared or has been lost! The disappearance of Monalisa is not unknown to many because Monalisa has not been doing any new work in Bangladesh media for quite some time, but the main reason behind her not doing this work is that she left media work after settling in America.

Meanwhile, Monalisa married Fayyaz, a Bengali boy living in America, and moved to that country last year. At that time, Monalisa and Fayyaz's family arranged their marriage, but later on Monalisa's work in the media caused various problems from Fayyaz's family, which discouraged Monalisa from working in the media. But even then, the end of Monalisa's family was not saved, the marriage broke up within a year.


For now, Mona Lisa is trying to settle in America and find a good job there.

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