The Dhaka Times
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Former Minister of State for Power Iqbal Mahmud Tukur's acquittal is annulled

The Dhaka Times Desk The Appellate Division overturned the High Court's verdict acquitting former Minister of State for Power Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tukur. The court gave this order on Monday.


It is known that BNP leader acquitted Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku, the former State Minister for Power, on the grounds of acquiring wealth outside of income and concealing wealth information. When leave to appeal against that judgment, the Appellate Division canceled the judgment given by the High Court. Also, the High Court has been asked to settle the appeal again in that order.

Today, Monday, Chief Justice Md. The 5-judge bench led by Mozammel Hossain decided the leave to appeal of the Anti-Corruption Commission and gave this order.

Lawyer Khurshid Alam Khan was in the case for the ACC. On the other hand, lawyer Maulvi Wahidullah handled the case on behalf of Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku.

Khurshid Alam Khan told the reporters that the court canceled the verdict of acquittal and ordered the High Court to re-dispose of the appeal. As a result, Tukur's appeal is upheld.

It is to be noted that on November 15, 2007, Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku was sentenced to 9 years imprisonment by the Special Judge Court-3 of Dhaka on the charge of obtaining wealth outside of known income and concealing the information of wealth. He appealed against that judgment in the same year in the High Court. After the hearing, the High Court granted his appeal on June 16, 2011 and acquitted Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku.

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