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Packages without permission: BTRC ordered Banglalink to refund Tk 92 crore to customers besides a fine of Tk 10 lakh

Dhaka Times Desk The mobile operators of the country have been harassing the customers in various ways with tariffs as they like. That is why BTRC has looked into this issue. They imposed a fine of Tk 10 lakh and ordered refund of Tk 92 crore to customers for giving packages without permission.
অনুমতি ছাড়াই প্যাকেজ: বাংলালিংককে ১০ লাখ টাকা জরিমানা ছাড়াও গ্রাহকদের ৯২ কোটি টাকা ফেরত দেয়ার নির্দেশ দিয়েছে বিটিআরসি 1
Regulatory agency BTRC has found evidence of allegations against mobile phone operator Banglalink for extorting money from consumers through fraud by announcing unauthorized packages. About six months ago, through that package, they illegally grabbed at least 92 crore 33 lakh rupees from the customers. Now this entire money has to be returned to the customers. Besides, they have to pay a fine of 10 lakh rupees. It is reported that a letter is being sent to Banglalink today, Monday 13 August, instructing them to return this money to the customers within the next one month.

According to sources, Banglalink gave that package at the end of last year. Where if you pay 4 rupees a day you can talk for 65 paisa minutes. The package reportedly did not have BTRC approval. BTRC wants to know about this later from Banglalink. They said that 92 crore 33 lakh taka has been taken at the rate of 4 taka per day. BTRC has asked to refund the entire amount taken from customers as i top up.

BTRC chairman said, the money taken from the post paid customers should be reconciled through the bill at the end of the month. At the same time, the money taken from the prepaid customers should be reconciled through 'I Top Up'. Within the next one month, all these processes should be completed and the fine should be paid. He said, there is no opportunity to cheat people's money. The money must be returned to the customers. And this kind of initiative is said to be the first time.

Jakyul Islam, director of Banglalink's corporate department, said that they have not received any such letter yet. They will decide on this after receiving it. However, a Banglalink source says that they have been in discussions with BTRC for a long time. They did not even think that BTRC would finally take such a decision. But if this happens, they will have to resort to the law in the end. BTRC had previously stopped a package named 'Icon' of Banglalink due to various complaints.

Meanwhile, BTRC has been requested not to be so strict in these matters from the Ministry of Telecommunication. The issue was discussed at the Iftar party organized by Telecommunication Minister Rajiuddin Ahmed Raju last Thursday, August 9. But since the formal decision has been made, there is no way to withdraw from it. Several top officials of the organization said that the final decision was taken in the commission meeting of BTRC last Wednesday, August 8.

BTRC has received information from various sources that the mobile phone operators are doing many unauthorized activities since quite some time. In view of that, BTRC has taken initiative to impose strictness on customer interest-related matters including the involvement of operators with VoIP, complete stop of fraud. There are complaints that various packages are being offered in the market without taking any approval from BTRC. Even the operators are deciding the package according to their wishes. BTRC says that they could not pay much attention to these issues till now as they were busy with 2G license renewal and litigation related complications. There are no more concessions in these matters. Operators will be regulated by prioritizing quality service and customer interest above all else.

It is learned that changes are being made in the tariff policy so that the operators cannot do any wrongdoing through loopholes in the law. BTRC has found that operators cheat customers the most when it comes to internet usage. Many times, even if the money is not exhausted, the unused money is deducted on the pretext of the end of the month. An official who is working on the tariff policy says that the operators are unfairly looting hundreds of crores of rupees every month. According to BTRC, based on the amount of mobile talk, customers are being offered various inducements including plane tickets, flats, cheap hotel stays, discount shopping. However, in most cases, even after fulfilling all the conditions, the customer does not get the rewards or all the benefits announced in the advertisement. BTRC also said that they have many complaints about these issues. Courtesy: Daily Ittefaq.

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