special representative At a time when the recent incidents of attacks on minorities across the country have worried the Hindu community, the Sudhanya Pal of Ishwardi's Union Union is happy to have a little peace of mind.
Hundreds of helpless camels are wandering from door to door due to the river bursting. They lost everything in the river collapse. Houses, land and all that was gone in the river. The collapse of Padma has left them alone. Today they roam from door to door like nomads.
In such a situation, on March 1, Land Minister Shamsur Rahman Sharif Dilu MP gave 3000 taka to 32 families of Sara to buy a dam of bamboo and tindia to build a house. One of them, Sudhanya Pal, was very happy to receive tin from the hands of the minister.
Sudhanya now works in a handicrafts factory in Arambaria. He made various things made of clay. Father Adhir Chandra Pal moved to India long ago. Sudhanya still remains in this country. The breakdown of Padma in 2009 set them on their way. Now live in people's houses for rent. After receiving tin and money from the Minister of Lands, he said that somehow he would build a house on one side of the river and start living. He will spend the rest of his life like this with his 2 sons and his wife. When asked if he will move to India, he said, "My father has gone but I love the soil of Bangladesh." Otherwise, since 2009, I am penniless. Still did not leave Bangladesh. Bangladesh is my life. He wants to spend the rest of his life here.
It is to be noted that at this time Land Minister Shamsur Rahman Sharif released the fry of Chital fish in Dilu Padma. This fishery sanctuary project is organized under the supervision of Upazila Fisheries Office, Sara Fishermen Cooperative Society and Ashraf Duburi.