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Women's role in the world: International Women's Day is celebrated with a pledge for change

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is March 8 International Women's Day. International Women's Day is celebrated around the world today with the theme of encouraging change.


This year the theme of the day is 'Pledge for Change' to encourage people around the world to empower women. Women's empowerment has been frowned upon for ages, but now there is no such opportunity. All over the world, in business, social programs, politics, organizations, women walk freely. Although there are many problems in the history of Bangladesh, the women of Bangladesh are not behind in the current changing situation. We have had two women Prime Ministers successively. One of them is our current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Besides, our opposition leader and speaker of national parliament are also women. Women of Bangladesh are moving forward in all fields in keeping with the world with their labor, talent and skills.


No one in the world has to worry about women anymore. Because women are now being established in all countries of the world. Women in countries where women were confined to the house i.e. veiling are now far ahead. Like Saudi Arabia. There are restrictions on women going out and working. In recent times there too, women have assumed the role of protestors. They want to function like men in society while maintaining the ritual of veiling in public.


Similarly, the context of Bangladesh was once completely different. But that is not the case anymore. However, some statements of Hefazat Islami in recent times have worried the women's society of this country again. But still the women of our country do not stop. They are contributing alongside men in all fields.


Several changes have occurred in the history of Bangladesh in recent times. For the first time a woman was elected as Speaker. Last week again a woman was appointed as VC for the first time in a university (Jahangir Nagar University) in this country.


In this way, women are working in various public and private offices and courts, including the highest posts in the country. They are playing a special role for the nation.


Women's activities spread across the world:

Sheikh Hasina


Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina. He is serving as the Prime Minister for the third time. She is the president of Awami League, the largest party in Bangladesh.

Khaleda Zia

Khaleda Zia

Begum Khaleda Zia served three times as Prime Minister of Bangladesh. He is the Chairperson of BNP, one of the largest parties in Bangladesh.

Sonia Gandhi


Born in Italy in 1946, this woman is the 9th most powerful woman in the world. Sonia Gandhi is the wife of Indian politician and late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. 67-year-old Sonia Gandhi has been serving as the President of India's Congress Party since 1998.

Michelle Obama

Michelle obama

Michelle Obama (50), the wife of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, is the first African-American First Lady. He is also known as a lawyer and writer.

Hillary Clinton


Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He is a member of the Democratic Party and has served as a United States Senator representing New York State. But her other big identity is that she is the wife of former US President Bill Clinton.

Angela Markle

Angela Dorothea Merkel (59) is the current and first female Chancellor of Germany. He has been serving as Chancellor since 2005. Merkel is also the current chairman of the country's Christian Democratic Union and chaired the parliamentary coalition of the Christian Social Union from 2002 to 2005. In 2007, Merkel was elected as the second female chair of the G8 after Margaret Thatcher.

Dilma Rousseff

She is known as a prominent female economist and politician in Brazil. Rousseff currently serves as the 36th President of Brazil.

Melinda Gates

Melinda Gates is known all over the world as a philanthropist and business woman born in the United States. However, one of her identities is the wife of Bill Gates, the richest man in the world and the founder chairman of Microsoft.


Sheryl Sandberg

Sandberg, an American information technology businessman, was born on August 28, 1969. He is the chief executive officer of social media Facebook. In June 2012, Sheryl Sandbag was elected an influential member of the board of directors of the Facebook company. Prior to that, he served as Vice President of 'Global Online Sales' at search engine Google.


Christian Lagardie

French woman Christine Lagarde was born on January 1, 1956. Currently, Christine Lagarde is the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund or IMF. Since July 5, 2011, Christian Lagardie has been performing this duty. Christian Lagardie is also a lawyer. Christian Lagardie once held the duties of various important ministers of the French government. Christian Lagarde gained special fame as the Minister of Finance.


Janet Napolitano

American lawyer and politician Janet (56) was born on November 29, 1957. Janet Napolitano became the first woman to serve as the United States Secretary of Homeland Security.

Inda Nooyi

This 58-year-old American businesswoman of Indian origin was born in 1955 in Madras, India. Inda Nooyi is currently the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, the world's second largest soft drink manufacturer and marketer. Although currently living in New York, Inda Nooyi spent his college life in the city of Kolkata.

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