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5 amazing unknown uses of lemon in cosmetics

The Dhaka Times Desk Lemon is widely used in our daily food and as a flavor enhancer. But apart from this, lemons have some other properties that can help with effortless beauty. Let's know the details.

It is in lemon Citric acid With which we can easily remove excess oil accumulated on our skin, dirt dead cells and even unwanted spots and get a bright complexion and softness. Lemon will not only restore the radiance of our skin but also find specific skin problems and solve them in particular cases (Skin Disease) It also helps in curing skin diseases. Rich in vitamin C, this lemon not only improves the skin's radiance, but also helps reduce the appearance of aging. And when lemon juice is used on the hair, its citric acid removes the dead cells from the scalp, removes the oiliness of the hair and also helps prevent dandruff.

Check out 5 uses of lemon that will help your beauty routine:

1. to clean the face

Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey with good quality olive oil. If necessary, fill a closed mouth jar and shake it well. Wait until the mixture thickens to a medium consistency. Then mix sugar with it. You can add more or less honey, olive oil and sugar if you want to make the scrub thinner or thicker.

2. Use as a face pack

Make a face pack by mixing two spoons of curd with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice well. Apply this pack on the face, neck, neck and wait 20-30 minutes, excluding the area around the eyes. When you feel the tension of this mixture on your skin, first wash your face, neck and neck with lukewarm water. Then apply moisturizer using cold water. It will make you feel refreshed.

3. To remove dandruff

Make a mixture of 4 parts olive oil, 3 parts honey and 3 teaspoons lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the hair roots. Then use a heat cap or if you don't have a hat at hand, soak a towel in lukewarm water and wrap your hair in a wet towel to hold the steam for 30 minutes. Then shampoo your hair and enjoy the benefits of lemon.

4. To increase hair shine

Sometimes the hair has an oily feel which remains after shampooing. In that case, if you are a little aware, you can eliminate this unwanted feeling of your hair. Mix half a cup of lemon juice with half a cup of water and apply it on your hair for a while. Then use shampoo and conditioner. You will see that the oily feeling of your hair will disappear in no time if you adopt this method and you will become the owner of healthy hair.

5. To remove acne

Lemon juice is sometimes touted as a quick cure for acne. It may sound unbelievable but the use of lemon juice can make your skin acne disappear overnight. For this, wash your face well with a cleansing cream and gently rub the acne area with a cotton pad. Moderate consumption of lemon juice can help you get rid of uncomfortable conditions like acne.

But remember that natural materials have no side effects than chemical materials. But before using anything on the skin, test it on your wrist.

References: Mind Body Green

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