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23 minutes after birth, a baby's life pulse was found!

The Dhaka Times Desk Unbelievable as it may sound, it is true that 23 minutes after birth Beatrix Lilian Rose Richards The child was able to breathe. The existence of life in him is proved. Let's know the details.

Harlow in the UK recently Princess Alexandra Hospital A newborn named Lillian Richards was born. But even after birth 23 minutes After passing out, no pulse of life could be found in him. Even the cry of a new-born after birth, which heralds its arrival in the world, was absent from Lillian. It is known that the 15-member medical team failed to restore the normal functioning of Lilian's heart, but a consultant finally proved his expertise in this regard.

The hospital midwife took the newborn in her arms and in her experience pressed the medical department's panic button implanted in the child's body. He hoped this method would eventually work. After 15 minutes of working with the child, they come close to success and consider it the greatest achievement of their professional life, to be able to help someone give life. But a consultant patiently stayed by the newborn's side until the end. He was thinking of his own child at the time and thought of making one last effort for Lillian. But in the end, when his efforts were successful, he said, the truth is nothing but a miracle and the blessing of the Almighty.

Lillian weighed 6 pounds at birth but was referred to a pediatrician because she was suffering from respiratory problems Dr. Vikas Satwik On its advice, he was kept in the intensive care of the hospital. Because in this condition, if there is a lack of oxygen in the brain, the child may not grow healthy later.

But the father of the newborn Lloyd (39) and mother Charlotte Richards (24) In response, it is said that after all the bad circumstances, their child is healthy and the greatest happiness for them, although after Lilian's birth, they sensed that something was wrong. But Lilian's father now feels lucky to have overcome that problem. Already they are their children MRI Scans are also done so that they can take action in case of brain damage. Necessary treatment he Lilian their Bishops Stortford brought home. The couple, however, has another three-year-old daughter. Lillian's mother, Charlotte, said the women in their family were strong. Because Charlotte's mother battled cancer and is now healthy. So they are optimistic about his newborn.

The hospital authorities congratulated them on their success and wished the newborn and her mother good health.

Reference: Mirror News

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