The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood's traditional Filmfare Awards are going to be held in Kolkata for the first time. Bangladesh's Jaya Ahsan has been nominated in this.
Jaya Ahsan has been nominated for the first Bengali Filmfare Award for Best Newcomer for her performance in 'Awart'. Jaya received a nomination letter from Filmfare on March 16. It is said in the nomination letter that he has been given this nomination because he has acted in Bengali films in Kolkata.
Regarding the Filmfare Awards, Jaya told the media, 'I came to know about the program after going to Kolkata. Huge billboards all over the city, voting at various places - all in all, everyone's interest in the first Bengali Filmfare Award is skyrocketing. The award is not a big deal, I see it as a big achievement to get a nomination from the critics after acting in the international arena for the first time.'
It may be mentioned that Jaya Ahsan received another prestigious Shailjanand Award from Kolkata. The Filmfare Awards will be held on March 29 at the Science City Auditorium in Kolkata.